Corporate Philosophy

stockvault-monique-by-flowrOur Earth is a living, breathing creation, we cannot separate our daily actions from its influence. This delicate balance between our economic and social needs, and the need of the environment around us is at the core of our corporate philosophy. Creating business activity that is sustainable in this way ensures the ability of our children and their children to enjoy this planet as we do. To this end, we only support products from companies who feel a particular responsibility to protect nature and who carefully conserve their resources without compromising quality.  This includes a commitment to sustainability and promotion of continuing biodiversity through good practices such as renewable energy use, CO2-neutral production (or a small CO2 footprint), recycling and reuse practices, and constantly improving environmental performance by reducing water and electricity consumption.

Quality Control is an absolutely essential component of success. It is not enough to deliver an organic product to the market. Parents are enthusiastic to seek the best and most natural solutions for their children, but they also must be able to absolutely trust in the safety and quality of the brand. When parents make a decision that influences the health of their child, we want them to feel confident in their choice.   Quality assurance carried out with modern methods from the raw material stage to the final product delivery should happen even without legal requirements or regulations. Strict control guidelines are an essential corporate value. This is understandably not necessarily an easy task when simultaneously trying to maintain ingredients and processes as simple and natural as possible. Only the best companies achieve this kind of full traceability with large-scale production, and these are exactly the partners we support.

We believe in providing parents with the most accurate information possible regarding the choices they make for their child’s health and foster open, respectful and trusting relationships with both our suppliers and our customer base.